
Assim faz sentido ....

Esforço, Dedicação, Devoção, Glória.

Só eu sei ...


Eu quero mesmo voltar lá ...

... assim como há um ano atrás pedia.

Voltar e sentir o que senti, entre notas de fotografias e desejos por cumprir.


Out of Africa

Out of Africa, someday will this dream came true. Enjoy and imagining.

(P.S. It's not Africa but somewhere close, in Lisbon)


he had a dream, that was stolen 40 years ago

I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. [...] (speach)

Screaming, singing, louder and louder ... "In name of love, What more in name of love"